Let me tell you about our very first four wheeler. She came to us on a summer afternoon driven by my grandfather. There was considerable excitement at home and she nosed her way down the path leading to the old house. Accompanied by many shouts of glee, she purred to a stop under the cavernous Gulmohar tree in the drive.
She was perfect, in all respects and on every count. A mild beige smiled up in the sun while we crowded around examining her in the greatest delight. The next thing of course was to take her out on a ride. She cruised out of the drive way on the wings of an angel. This car was to be our faithful companion for many years. Even when the Maruti 800 fever hit India, we remained smug in the belief that our Premier Padmini was by far the more superior car. This in spite of frequent breakdowns and a fortune spent on fuel.
Cars had personality at that time. She was not just a mode of transportation, she was part of the family. A living, breathing member, I might add. The day she left us was one of great sorrow and heartfelt grief. No other car we bought ever lived up to the magic of that first car, the embodiment of another roof on four wheels. The only permanent roof in those days compared to the other houses we shifted in and out of.
And so the days roll by and other cars come and go. But the Fiat remains one of the best buys we ever made, not because of performance but because of the bond she shared with the family, which will always be special.