I've decided to revise the earlier, rosy portrayal of my wayward and decietful pet. It is with glum sorrow that i inform you that she turned out to be a prestidigitator(i know i know, look it up!)
Three days ago my folks went on their annual, feel good Diwali rounds that basically involves forcibly wishing anyone that strays into their path or view. The dog and I decided to stay at home and watch a movie while others drowned in communal harmony; but woe and begone the power went and so did the movie. So Cookie and I sat outside on lawn chairs and watched the mosquitoes, dizzy on our blood do a crazy jig congratulating each other on an enexpected feast.
Just as I was dozing off, Cookie pricked up her ears and assumed a soppy, moony eyed expression. Looking up I was treated to the sight of a scrawny, raggedy creature of uncertain parentage gently nosing around the gate. Deaf to my hoarse yells, Cookie leapt into the paws of her beloved and led him away on a midnight tryst, while I watched in disbelief and dismay.
In a crass display of disobedience and stubbornness my pet destroyed all the myth and legend I had built about her for four years.
Luckily the folks were back five minutes later and cookie's encyclopaedia was walopped off the property in an encounter he will not soon forget.
Cookie is back to being the darling of the family.
Some things never change.